Great Lakes Loan Closets is designed to help residents of Michigan, Wisconsin, Northern Indiana, and Northern Illinois find organizations that lend medical equipment for minimal or no cost.
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Our Mission
The mission of Great Lakes Loan Closets is to provide a directory of organizations that lend medical equipment for minimal or no cost. These programs are especially important for people who lack insurance coverage or the means to purchase medical equipment. The directory also serves as a resource for health care professionals looking for medical equipment resources for patients, and for people looking for organizations where they may donate their no longer needed medical equipment.
What's a Loan Closet?
Loan Closets, also known as medical equipment loaning programs or re-use programs, lend home medical equipment to people recovering from illness or injury. Most organizations receive their equipment from members of the community who no longer need it. They clean the equipment, check to make sure it's in good condition, and lend it to those who need it.
Loan closets typically have durable medical equipment (DME) such as wheelchairs, shower chairs, bedside commodes, walkers, crutches, canes, and high-rise toilet seats. Some may also have hospital beds or electric wheelchairs available. Each loan closet is unique, with its own set of eligibility requirements, equipment, and loan period. Continue Reading about Loan Closets

Find Organizations in Your County
Loan Closet inventories change quickly, dependent upon donations and demand for the equipment. It's always a good idea to call an organization first to see if they have the equipment you need before going there.
To Find Organizations, enter the name of your state and county in the search bars below.
All of the organizations have been contacted to make sure the information is correct. We will continue to search for other organizations, and will add them to the website as quickly as possible.

If you are a health care provider or nonprofit
Contact us if you would like us to email you a printable version (PDF) of the loan closets for your patients/clients. Please be sure to let us know which counties you would like.