
Allegan County Loan Programs


Lending Hands of Michigan Inc.


4570 Commercial Ave Suite E
Portage, MI 49002

State: Michigan
Email: info@lendinghandsmi.org
Phone Number: 269-567-4381
Website: http://www.LendingHandsMi.org


Monday 9:00am - 1:00pm, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday 9:00 A.M. to Noon

Closed Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday and holidays.

Counties Served

Allegan, Calhoun, Cass, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph, Van Buren


Anyone residing in Allegan,Calhoun, Cass, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph or Van Buren Counties.

Lending Period

7 months, (3 months for Knee Scooters)


Bath transfer benches, bath transfer/slide boards, bath tub rails bed rails, canes, commodes, crutches, dressing sticks, hi-rise toilet seats, hospital over-bed tables, I.V. stands, leg lifts, Reachers, Shoe horns, shower chairs, shower stools, sock aides, transport chairs, walkers and manual wheelchairs. Knee Scooters may be borrowed for 3 months

We are accepting used eye glasses for Lions Clubs International for redistribution to the needy of Latin America.

We are also accepting adult diapers but not for distribution.

VFW Wayland Post 7581


735 S. Main St.
Wayland 49348

State: Michigan
Phone Number: 269-792-2975


Monday - Saturday 4:00pm - 9:00pm

Counties Served




Lending Period

As Long As Needed


Crutches, shower chairs, hospital beds, commodes, walkers, etc. Call to check for availability.

Disability Network, Lakeshore


442 Century Lane
Holland, MI 49423

State: Michigan
Email: info@dnlakeshore.org
Phone Number: (616) 396-5326
Website: http://www.dnlakeshore.org


Regular Hours: Monday - Friday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

Summer Hours:(Memorial Day - Labor Day)
Monday - Thursday, 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
Friday, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm

Counties Served

Ottawa, Allegan


Our loan closet is available to Ottawa and Allegan county residents.

Lending Period

For As Long As Item Is Needed


Wheelchairs, wheeled and aluminum walkers, canes, shower chairs and benches, transfer benches, electric wheelchairs, commodes, toiler risers, and knee scooters. Please call our office to check available inventory. Donations are accepted during normal business hours.

Renew Mobility


2215 29th St., Suite A6
Grand Rapids, MI 49508

State: Michigan
Email: info@renewmobility.org
Phone Number: 616-493-2620
Website: http://www.renewmobility.org


Grand Rapids -Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm

Counties Served

Kent, Ottawa, Muskegon, Newaygo, Montcalm, Ionia, Barry, Allegan


Individuals and families demonstrating financial need and medical verification.Power equipment only. All other equipment is based on availability.

All equipment placement is based on equipment availability. Individuals seeking power equipment must provide medical reasoning and proof of an insurance denial to receive power equipment.

Lending Period

We place durable medical equipment permanently with the West Michigan community.


Mobility Equipment -Our mission is to enhance independence through access to mobility equipment.

Types of Equipment: canes, walkers, manual wheelchairs, Hoyer lifts, cushions, bath aides, and Pediatric equipment.

We sell power wheelchairs and power scooters.

We repair or attempt to replace if no longer safe or meeting our client's needs.

We deliver equipment with our community van.

Family Network of Wyoming


1029 44th SW Street
Wyoming, Michigan 49509

State: Michigan
Email: manager@fntw.org
Phone Number: 616-885-9919
Website: http://www.fntw.org


Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00am - 5:00pm

Counties Served

Kent,Ottawa, Muskegon, Ionia, Montcalm, Barry, Allegan


Borrowing is free and open to all income levels in Kent County and surrounding areas. A donation is appreciated but NOT a requirement to use the closet.

Lending Period

6 months


Commodes, walkers, canes, wheelchairs, knee scooters, raised toilet seats, shower/bathtub seats, transfer benches, incontinence supplies. We RECOMMEND you call to check for availability of item(s) before coming in.

We Care Community Resource Center


1301 M-43 Highway, Suite 2B
South Haven, MI 49090

State: Michigan
Email: circlesvbc@wecare-inc.org
Phone Number: 269-637-4342
Website: http://wecare-inc.org


Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 3:00pm

Counties Served

Van Buren, Allegan


Verifiable need and a resident of South Haven, Covert, Lacota, Glenn, Bangor, Glendale, Breedsville, or Grand Junction only. If you live outside our service area we will be happy to help you find resources in your area.

Lending Period

As Long As Needed


Medical equipment- Please call to check for availability.

The QuickRamps for Kids program


State: Michigan
Phone Number: 248-557-5070 ext. 152 (Kathy)
Website: https://www.mi-ucp.org/accessibilityandmobility


Monday - Friday 8:30 - 5:00

Counties Served

All Michigan


All applicants must be under age 18. Must have Cerebral Palsy or paralysis-causing condition.

The application must be filled out online with a doctor's script.

Recipients must install the ramp.

Lending Period


(We do not lend durable medical equipment.) The QuickRamps for Kids Program provides free portable wheelchair ramps to families of children who experience Cerebral Palsy and other paralysis-causing conditions. QuickRamps are a fast and inexpensive alternative to permanent ramps. Best of all, they give a child immediate access to their community. The ramps cover approximately 2 steps.

We are unable to install the ramps.

You may call (248) 557-5070 or visit our website for an application. Please fill out the application online. http://quickrampsforkids.org.

World Medical Relief Prescription Program


21725 Melrose Ave.
Southfield, MI 48075

State: Michigan
Email: info@worldmedicalrelief.org
Phone Number: 313-866-5333
Website: http://www.worldmedicalrelief.org


Monday - Friday 8:00am - 4:00pm

Counties Served

All Michigan


Prescription Required. A valid drivers license or ID is required. Annual income may not exceed $44,800 for an individual, or $51,200 for a married couple. An application to the Affordable Prescription Program is required.

Lending Period


Prescription Program: $8.30/prescription. Medications may be mailed to you or you may pick them up.
Individuals must meet requirements.

The ALS Association


Michigan Care Services Mailing & Donations: 1919 University Ave. STE 175 St Paul, MN 55104

State: Michigan
Email: General Email: FightALSMI@als.org
Phone Number: 248-680-6540, 616-459-1900
Website: http://www.als.org


Care Services staff are available Monday through Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM to answer any questions that you have related to durable medical equipment, powered wheelchairs loaners and communication/augmentative loaner equipment.

Counties Served

All Michigan


People diagnosed with ALS

Lending Period

As long as a person with ALS needs to use it


Loaner Equipment Available through The ALS Association Loan Closet(s): Powered Wheelchairs, Hoyer Lifts, Communication & Augmentative devices (Tobii, iPad, boogie boards etc.),Manual Wheelchairs, transport chairs, Rollators, walkers, Adjustable tables, Bed Rails

Other DME items such as the following can be drop shipped to the person's home with ALS by calling The ALS Association Care Services staff: Shower chairs, transfer benches, Bedside commodes, Toilet seats

We do not accept the following donations into our loan closets: Any bathroom DME item(s) such as shower chair, toilet seat etc. Hospital beds,Medical supplies, Nutritional / feeding tube items, Continence supplies (adult diapers etc.), Clothing of any type, Respiratory items such as cough assist, B-pap, C-pap etc.

Please call The ALS Association and speak with one of our Care Services Managers if you need any durable medical equipment items and have questions about our equipment program.

(Provides Financial loans for Purchasing Medical Equipment and assistive technology)


1325 South Washington
Lansing, MI 48910

State: Michigan
Email: ucp@ucpmichigan.org
Phone Number: 800-828-2714 (Michigan only)
517-203-1200 Press option 2
Website: http://mi-ucp.org


Counties Served

All Michigan


Individuals with any form of disability living in Michigan

Lending Period


(This organization does not loan or accept medical equipment. They provide financial support for purchasing equipment.)

Michigan Assistive Technology Loan Fund and Michigan Employment Loan Fund. Please call 517-203-1200 press option 2.

Additional funding may be available. Please call for more information.

ALS of Michigan


24359 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 100
Southfield, MI 48075

State: Michigan
Phone Number: 800-882-5764
Website: http://www.alsofmichigan.org


Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm

Counties Served

All Michigan


ALS ( Lou Gehrig’s Disease) and PLS patients only

Lending Period

There is no charge for ALS and PLS patients to borrow equipment. Equipment may be borrowed for as long as needed.


Canes, Communication Devices, Wheelchair Ramps, Manual Wheelchairs, Power Wheelchairs, Wheelchair Cushions, Shower Chairs, Commodes, Bedside Tables, Transfer Boards, Walkers, Transfer Chairs,Hoyer Lifts, eating utensils, etc.

Easter Seals Michigan AgrAbility


4065 East Hills Court
Grand Rapids, MI 49546

State: Others
Email: NStoller@essmichigan.org
Phone Number: 1-800-956-4106
Website: http://www.michiganagrability.org


Counties Served

All Michigan


Farmers With Disabilities

Lending Period


ESM-AgrAbility staff helps farm operations adjust to and manage disabling conditions, such as, arthritis, chronic back pain, joint injuries, amputations, spinal cord injuries, hearing loss and any other condition that may limit a farmer’s ability to work.
Information and referral services and farm-site assessments are offered at no cost to the farmer. The cost of new equipment or modifications made to old equipment, the farm operation, or the farm home is typically covered through the state via Michigan Rehabilitation Services. ESM-AgrAbility staff will help the farmer navigate the state system to access these supporting funds.
Please click on the website link for more information.

Paralyzed Veterans of America/Michigan Chapter


40550 Grand River Ave.
Novi, MI 48375 USA

State: Michigan
Phone Number: 800-638-6782
Website: http://www.michiganpva.org/


Monday - Friday, 8:30am - 4:30pm

Counties Served

All Michigan


Anyone in need is eligible

Lending Period

You may keep the equipment as long as necessary


Equipment Donation Program focuses on the needs of people with spinal cord injury or disease. We only accept items that help people with mobility issues. For example, we accept donations of wheelchairs, power chairs, adaptive sports equipment, hoists, lifts, and other items that help people who cannot easily move.

Michigan Assistive Technology Program at Michigan Disability Rights Coalition


3498 East Lake Lansing Road, Suite 100
East Lansing, MI 48823

State: Michigan
Email: info@mymdrc.org
Phone Number: 800-578-1269; 517-333-2477
Website: https://mymdrc.org/assistive-tech-program/


9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday-Friday

Counties Served

All Michigan


Reside in Michigan and have a disability or be a senior citizen

Lending Period

30 days or open ended loans are possible where borrower keeps device until no longer needed


A sampling of items available for loan include devices for community living, recreation, blind/low vision, youth, computer access, employment, environmental controls, mobility, parenting, hearing, communication, decreasing social isolation and cognition, and mental health. A partial equipment library is online: https://mymdrc.org/lending-library/ . All services are free and funded through the federal AT Act. Demonstrations of devices before borrowing are also available and free.

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB)


200 East Wells Street at Jernigan Place

State: Others
Phone Number: 410-659-9314
Website: http://www.nfb.org


Counties Served



Lending Period


Visit our website at www.nfb.org for an application, and resource information.